The organogram provides an overview of CID’s organizational structure. Click on each subsection below the organogram for more information about each role and who currently fulfills it within CID. A list of former post holders is provided at the bottom of this page.

Overview of CID’s organizational structure. In green the general management and advisory boards. In blue the workpackage (WP) organizational structure. All WP leaders are also part of the steering committee.
The Steering Committee ensures the general management of the CID research programme. The members of the Steering Committee are:
Prof. Chantal Kemner (main applicant/programme chair)
Prof. Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (leader work package 1)
Prof. Eveline Crone (leader work package 2)
Prof. Susan Branje (leader work package 3)
Prof. Marian Joëls (leader work package 4)
Prof. Dorret Boomsma (co-applicant)
Prof. Patti Valkenburg (co-applicant)
The programme support office assists and facilitates the work of the Steering Committee in day-to-day management.
Tess Beking, PhD (Project Manager)
Iris Bleeker-Beers (Secretariat)
Wim Zinger (Financial Office)
Marije Witsenboer (Communications Advisor)
Juliet Campfens (Communications Officer)
The Scientific Advisory Board is an advisory board to the research program in general and will advise the Steering Committee. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are:
Prof. B.J. Casey (Cornell University, New York, U.S.A.)
Prof. Michael Meaney (McGill University, Montréal, Canada)
Prof. Nick Martin (University of Queensland, Australia)
Prof. Mark Johnson (Birkbeck, University of London, U.K.)
Prof. Jay Belsky (University of California, Davis, U.S.A.)
Prof. Larry Steinberg (Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.)
Prof. Annelien Bredenoord (Ethical Advisor, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands)
The Supervisory Board is the Consortium’s supervisory and ultimate decision-making body. The members of the Supervisory Board are:
Prof. M.A.G van Aken, Dean Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), Utrecht University
Prof. A.W. Hoes, Dean University Medical Center Utrecht
Prof. M.W. van Tulder, Dean Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam
Prof. F.J. Oort, Director Research Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Prof. P.F. Wouters, Dean SBS, Leiden University
Prof. C.W.A.M. Aarts, Dean Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen
Prof. V.W.V. Jaddoe, Director Generation-R, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam
The research programme is subdivided into four work packages (WPs), each led by a WP leader. For their own WP, the WP leader implements the policy of the Steering Committee and monitors scientific progress.
Prof. Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (WP1)
Prof. Eveline Crone (WP2)
Prof. Susan Branje (WP3)
Prof. Marian Joëls (WP4)
For each cohort, there is a CID Cohort representative. The cohort representative is responsible for organizing measurements that are needed to achieve the scientific goal of the WP and for organizing the financial management of their cohort.
Prof. Chantal Kemner (YOUth cohort, Utrecht)
Prof. Eveline Crone (L-CID Intervention cohort, Leiden)
Prof. Dorret Boomsma (NTR, Amsterdam)
Prof. Manon Hillegers (Erasmus Epidemiology Resources, Rotterdam)
Prof. Albertine J. Oldehinkel (TRAILS, Groningen)
Prof. Susan Branje (RADAR, Utrecht)
Prof. Marian Joëls (Animal cohort, Utrecht)
PIs received a budget to fund PhDs and postdocs according to the scientific plan outlined in the proposal.
Prof. Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg (VU, WP2)
Prof. Johan J. Bolhuis (UU, WP4)
Prof. Dorret Boomsma (VU, WP3)
Prof. Susan Branje (UU, WP3)
Prof. Eveline Crone (LU, WP2)
Prof. Maja Deković (UU, WP1)
Prof. Sarah Durston (UMCU, WP1)
Prof. Ellen Hamaker (UU, WP4)
Prof. Manon Hillegers (Erasmus MC, WP3)
Prof. Herbert Hoijtink (UU, WP4)
Prof. Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (UMCU, WP1)
Prof. Marian Joëls (UMCU, WP4)
Prof. René Kager (UU, WP1)
Prof. René Kahn (UMCU, WP1)
Prof. Chantal Kemner (UU, WP1)
Prof. Albertine J. Oldehinkel (UMCG, WP3)
Prof. Johan (Hans) Ormel (UMCG, WP3)
Prof. Patti Valkenburg (UvA, WP1)
Prof. Catrin Finkenauer (UU, WP1)
Former post holders
Who | What | When |
Prof. dr. René Kahn | Work Package 1 leader and Steering Committee member | 2013-2016 |
Prof. dr. Rutger Engels | PI | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Frank Verhulst | PI and generation R cohort representative | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Jos van Berkum | PI | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Wilma Vollebergh | PI | 2013-2020 |
Prof. dr. Wim Meeus | PI, cohort representative RADAR, Work Package 3 leader and Steering Committee member | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Henning Tiemeier | PI and generation R cohort representative | 2017 |
Prof. dr. Marinus van IJzendoorn | PI, cohort representative L-CID, Work Package 2 leader and Steering Committee member | 2013-2018 |
Prof. dr. Daniël Wigboldus | Supervisory board member for Radboud University | 2013-2016 |
Prof. dr. Folkert Kuipers | Supervisory board member for University Medical Center Groningen | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Eco de Geus | Supervisory board member for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Werner Raub | Supervisory board member for Utrecht University | 2013-2017 |
Prof. dr. Hanna Swaab | Supervisory board member for Leiden University | 2013-2018 |
Prof. dr. Frank Miedema | Supervisory board member for University Medical Center Utrecht | 2013-2019 |
Prof. dr. Peter Beek | Supervisory board member for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | 2017-2019 |
Prof. dr. Elmer Sterken | Supervisory board member for University Medical Center Groningen | 2017-2019 |
Dr. Jacobine Buizer Voskamp | Project manager | 2013-2018 |
Dr. Lotte Houtepen | Project manager | 2018-2020 |