3 November 2020
13:00 - 14:30
Digital (via zoom)
CID autumn meeting 2020: future themes
To get a sense of what could be next for CID, we want to hear your thoughts. Sign up and receive the zoom link by filling out this form.
13.00-13.30h Plenary CID update
13.00-13.05h Slide show CID project updates
13.05-13.10h General CID update by Chantal Kemner
13.10-13.25h Progress update Connecting Data Child Development (CD2) by Otto Lange
13.25-13.30h Explanation small group discussion by Lotte Houtepen
13.30-13.35h Break
13.35-14.30h Small group discussion about future themes suggested by CID researchers
During sign up you can chose a topic to join
14.30-15.00h Break-out rooms will remain open for informal discussion