Consortium on Individual Development


12 April 2019
14:30 - 15:30
Academiegebouw, Universiteit Utrecht

PhD defense Andrik Becht

Becoming Certain of the Self Longitudinal Studies Into the Dynamics of (Daily) Identity Development

Friday 12 April 2019 Andrik Becht (UU, WP3) defends his PhD dissertation titled: ‘Becoming Certain of the Self Longitudinal Studies Into the Dynamics of (Daily) Identity Development’.

Andrik Becht applied an innovative approach by studying both daily, and long-term identity processes at the within- and between-person level from early adolescence into emerging adulthood. Given the fact that identity development does not take place in a void, he also examined theoretically relevant contextual, and neurobiological predictors, and consequences of identity uncertainty. Together, the dissertation provides a developmental, comprehensive, and systematic perspective on the study of identity.

Promotores: prof. dr. W.H.J. Meeus, prof. dr. W.A.M. Vollebergh
Co-promotor: dr. S.A. Nelemans

List of CID PhD dissertations:

PhD dissertations